Ad Impressions
Accessed Person
The Client
It is a world cuisine restaurant established in 2014, on a total area of 1300 square meters, offering unique tastes. It has adopted the principle of hosting its guests with the highest standards, quality and fast service. Our restaurant has been serving its guests from all over the world for 6 years due to both local and fairs.
The Challenge
- Increasing Brand Awareness
- Increasing reservations
- Getting new customers
- Increasing the interest of existing customers to the brand
Our Approach
Before we set our goals, we decided to get to know the restaurant first and made a great list of all the activities they did. Latin dance night on Friday, live music on Saturdays and DJ Party, special kermess for kids on Sunday, etc., and then we found the products that people prefer most in their menus. Besides, we have analyzed that it is a very preferred place due to the wine service they offer for birthday and special day celebrations.
After creating all of these, we first renewed their Instagram accounts and brought a stylish restaurant view to social media. We started a great Instagram sponsored advertisement at our location with the brand awareness campaign.
We only started to communicate with our potential customers by giving simple messages, and the phones began to ring, and reservations started from the very first days. We learned that there were a lot of buildings near to us and those who had never visited our restaurant in the last 5 years. But of course, thanks to our Instagram brand awareness ads, we experienced a rapid rise. And we started to get visitors from our neighborhood easily.
We created a detailed funnel for Instagram remarketing. We analyzed our audience, which has already started interacting with us, in every important action. We reminded ourselves of them with special offers, events and different ads.
Our first big exam started very early. Our goal was to get a reservation for the new year party to be held in the restaurant with only a 12-day paid social media advertisement work. And see how we got results.
Our Results
We received 300+ reservations for the New Year’s party and made the biggest Christmas party ever. We have successfully completed this.
Only in the first 30 days: We have reached the month-specific turnover record, One-day reservation, and turnover record, And we have reached the turnover record of 5 years.
And more; We reached 150+ reservations on the date of February 14, Valentine’s Day. And we increased the rate of customers coming in on normal days by 250%.
Ad Impressions
Accessed Person
Before I met you, I didn’t realize there was a huge lack of online advertising for our restaurant business. What is our missing from competitors in our restaurant, which I have owned for more than 5 years, what is that we go back as turnover every year? I was trying to determine that. I started to think about the shortcomings in the business before. I was thinking if our food was bad, our cocktails were bad, or if our service or menu was bad.
Until I met the Decocre team. They amazing hard worker PPC agency and they taught us that the 5-year shortfall of our business is just to advertise at online in the right way and that people now take online advertising too seriously. I wasn’t very aware of what was going to happen at the beginning. Honestly, I didn’t expect results to be so fast in the first few weeks. The only thing missing was that people don’t see us enough. Thanks to the brand awareness strategy that we have done together with Decocre digital marketing team, In just three months, we started to reach our goals at a very high speed. Like a running racer…
Let me briefly tell you about the last 3 months, the New Year’s Day booking record, Valentine’s day booking record, the ever-increasing number of happy customers, and the happy faces of everyone who works in our business, including me.
Let's Work Together
Digital marketing is a long-term communication adventure and we are with you in this adventure.